Orange Chevron thecutestblogontheblock

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What a week

Wow so time has flown by I can't believe it is Thursday already!!! The past two days I've spent catching up from our weekend. It was a great weekend! Saturday was nice because we did not do much and what we did do we took our time doing.

Then Sunday my husband's family visited. We had a great time, my husband and I took them on their first geo caching (dismiss the spelling error if there is one) expedition. It was fun, we were 3-n-3. I wish we could have found all six caches, but you can't win them all. A great part of the day was discovering FingerPants. Yes I've never heard of them before, but they are definitely and interesting concept. Other than entertaining the kiddos (and adults) I don't think they have any other purpose. It's not like we only want two of our fingers to be clothed, usually we want them all to be clothed and that is why we have gloves. Right? But the Finger Pants were entertaining.

Now Monday we definitely made up for our lack of motivation from Saturday. I'll tell you we conquered A MOUNTAIN!!!! First on our list was to conquer canning ourselves. Yes from a little instruction from my grandmother, my husband and I managed to succeed in canning 7 pints of delicious thick salsa. I'm actually excited for tomato season to be over so that way I can pop open a wonderful jar of salsa. (Right now we're making it as needed).


Then while simmering the salsa I told my husband:

"I'm going to give the bathroom a quick wipedown, and later this week I'll give it a good scrubbin."

He replied:

"Why not just do it all now?"

I Said:

" I don't feel like it."

He said:

"I'll do it then."

That's right my wonderful husband scrubbed our bathroom from top to bottom, he even got all the fixtures and faucets to sparkle. He even fixed the leaky toilet. Oh I love how he will scrub for me. But seriously our bathroom was getting pretty gross, the drains were slowing up from the globs of my hair that I never clean out of the sink, and the floor around the toilet had a orange ring from a leak, and I was scared to lift the shampoo bottle to see what had grown under there since the day before. Having a sparkly bathroom feels great (it is very seldom that our bathroom is sparkly) it just makes me smile and I no longer dread washing my hair. The down side to having a sparkly bathroom is that I'm now scared to use it. Yes, that is right, I do not want to tarnish the sparkliness of the bathroom. The other night I brushed my teeth in the hallway because I did not want to get the little toothpaste spots on the mirror and faucet. I know I'm crazy, I'll go to those lengths to keep things clean just to widen the gap of the next time the bathroom needs cleaned.

While my husband was laboring away (we definitely labored on labor day) I got to spend more time in the kitchen, because at the last minute we decided to BBQ with some friends. I went a little overboard with what I put together, but I was on a cooking spree. After cooking my my in-laws and then canning salsa I just kept on moving. The fun part about the BBQ was that everything I made was glorified leftovers. I made the carmel corn from the day before that I didn't have the time to make, then I took the left over jalapenos from the salsa and made jalapeno poppers, we had more veggies and dip, and then I tried the baked bean recipe I found here, and then my husband even made is own BBQ sauce for our chicken. Everything was wonderful and our friends even brought some deliciousness also, we all were wobbling to our cars at the end of the evening.

Yes so Tuesday was my day of rest. Although I did have to scrub some dishes the whole weekend was defiantly worth all those dishes. We had a great time visiting with family and friends. This coming weekend will again be full of family and friends. All my aunts are in town for a gathering and then some college friends are coming home with their baby on Saturday. And then it is my brother's birthday, Happy Birthday Alex!!!! Sunday our church kicks off our Calvary Connecting Communities, we are so excited for this new and different approach to Sunday school. Another weekend full of fun and great food, can't wait.

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, it has just flown by. Tuesday I spent resting and catching up from the weekend. Wednesday my Joy in the Morning bible study started and today is the first day of story hour at church. I'm so excited for fall, to once again have structure and places to be. I'm now challenged with getting my lazy behind out of bed and ready before Dancing Queen wakes up. It will be tough for a couple of weeks, but it will be good for the both of us.

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