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Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Persevering

So you may be wondering why I choose to describe myself as a Persevering Housewife. I spent a lot of time trying to come up with a title that would do a good job of describing me without sounding corny. Once I finally had a revelation for a was taken. This one single thing of coming up with a name and an available URL definitely kept me from starting a blog months ago. Okay that last thing might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but it definitely hindered the blogging process. So here is how I choose a title:

Well first of all I'm a housewife, that one is not difficult. Although I could have chosen something else I prefer to call myself a housewife rather than other terms like stay-at-home mom. Why? There's a few reasons why, mainly because I am more than a mom who just stays home. I like housewife because it describes that caring for my household is a priority and I like that it describes that I'm a wife first and secondly a mom. Though there are no mom-like terms in 'housewife', I think it does a better job of describing me than any others.

I should just get super crazy and make my own term like ChristianWifeMotherDog-OwnerLaundererCookPersonal-ShopperNutritionistExecutive-AssistantBloggerCaffeine-Addict but that would just take up too much time, and it still does not describe everything I do.

Although there is the 'new' term Household Engineer. I just remembered that one. Aahh I still prefer Housewife.

Moving on....Persevering. How did I come up with Persevering? It came to me one day while reading Romans 5.

"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
Romans 5:3-5

One day I was doing my devotional and these verses really hit me. Through the past couple of years my husband and I have definitely been through some trials, and at some moments it is discouraging knowing that we currently do not have what we did have once. There are also some of those days where I feel like I've failed as a child of God, as a wife and as a mother. But these verses are encouraging knowing that no matter the trials we all encounter God uses them to build us up to be a wiser, better and a more honorable person. I know that if I continue to strive to be steadfast in the trials I'm facing I will be rewarded with a hope of better things that are yet to come.

That is why I choose to be a Persevering Housewife, it is my new mantra. That through perseverance comes character and character hope which does not disappoint.

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